Explore your money archetypes. Whether you love spending or saving, there is always something to learn about your money practices. Knowing what your relationship is to money makes it easier for you to change your habits with it.
We all have a relationship with money. We love it. We hate it. We’re scared of it. We’re afraid to ask for more. We feel uncomfortable asking it back. The list goes on.
In the Dollar Deities Masterclass on the 11th of June we’re looking at your steamy relationship with money. We’re going to pretend money is your yummy Adonis. How do you make love to it? How do you fight with it? How do you deal with the mundane?
Artemis is an independent free woman and doesn’t need a partner. When men tried to couple with her, they were thwarted or killed. She loves what she knows, but is afraid of the unknown: a man in her life. She keeps control of what she loves and knows by killing or punishing anything and anyone that disturbs her peace. That is why we could call her a Scaredy-cat or control freak. She has a fear of the unknown and wants to keep her life the way she knows it.
Euphrosyne’s whole purpose of existing is to please others, to make sure everybody is happy, is experiencing joy. She is associated with good fortune and manifests positivity and abundance for everyone. She and her sisters graced many banquets and celebrations with their presence as it was said they were there to bring joy and harmony, enhancing the festivities with their divine radiance. In short: the Gods and mortals rely on her to bring joy.
Because our shadow Goddesses don’t want to receive your money. Only your highest attention & gratitude.
What previous attendees of our masterclass are saying:
We’re big nerds when it comes to the subconscious, manifestation & shadow work. But we won’t bore you. The Dollar Deities Masterclass is filled with ACTION STEPS and PRACTICAL EXERCISES you can do any time in your life. There is no true transformation, but we do guarantee you will see money as the sexy God it was always intended to be.
Pieternel de Winter & Gillian Bakker are experienced shadow workers. Pieternel is a holistic life coach who works with your subconscious to create a more beautiful life for yourself. Gillian is a breath and shadow work expert who holds your hand while you dive deeper into darker parts of yourself.